

船尾,国家第二大,传统上更深思熟虑的,老师的联盟,聚集在华盛顿特区。上周的两年一次的大会。麦克尔罗伊的大新闻是爱德华的选举来取代即将离任的桑德拉·费尔德曼(TQB 5卷,12)组织的总统。麦克尔罗伊先生,此前12年全国工会财务处长,给了一个令人失望的是可预测的获奖感言要求更高的工资和更好的工作条件为了更好地留住教师,声称“美国有一个著名的教师短缺。”He characterized the current goals of NCLB as "arbitrary and unattainable" but told members he would work with the Department of Education and the Congress to "fix what is wrong with this law . . . " Mr. McElroy also urged the AFT to "stand together" with struggling industrial unions that helped the AFT in its earlier days.

他在7月17日公报内容?从船尾惯例,教育智慧的迈克公诉断言这最后一点揭示麦克尔罗伊先生的深刻而真挚的承诺劳工运动。根据公诉,这情绪不是也不会由总统表达了船尾的大,恩颐投资,“想要[s]在公众脑海中与医生、律师和工程师吗?不是卡车司机,我的工人和码头装卸工人。”How this affects the future of the AFT remains to be seen. According to Antonucci, there are some rumors that McElroy won't remain President long enough to make it matter. Evidently, many believe McElroy is merely serving as a placeholder for Randi Weingarten, president of the United Federation of Teachers and TQB regular. If only we could make Joel Klein Secretary of Education, we wouldn't need cable T.V.
