



研究还声称揭穿神话,德克萨斯州教师的收入过低,因为平均工资通常报告的国家的两个主要的教师工会“不要考虑经济价值或美元的购买力。”For example, in San Francisco, the average annual salary for elementary teachers ranks among the highest in the nation at $59,824; but when adjusted for cost of living, that value falls to $32,663. In this study, teacher salaries in Texas public schools were close to the top of the list when adjusted for cost of living. Salary averages also only represent base pay, and omit salary supplements such as hiring bonuses and incentives for working in shortage areas.

分析师Michael Wolkoff生活成本因素适用于教师工资在怀俄明州和得出结论,国家的教师充分的报酬。怀俄明州Wolkoff还指出,没有一个问题老师招聘或保留,工资必须适当的生活成本。怀俄明老师工资在2004 - 2005年平均为40982美元,在全国36;然而,国家的生活成本也在底部附近,和居民支付没有州所得税。