国家评论神话克星# 9:NCTQ国家审查是一个“打开书”

许多学院和大学是谁拒绝配合国家审查证明他们的反对派声称NCTQ没有被充分透明的方法。更可信的enterprise-they assert-would充分披露更多细节,特别是重量,将给我们的每一个18标准和资格的人做评估。


所以我们做了一些调查,研究其他企业的公开披露的方法将被贴上“可信的”。Closest to home, we looked at other endeavors in the field of education, including the process by which NCATE confers accreditation on a teacher preparation program as well as the process that the College Board has in place for grading the writing portion of the SAT. We also looked at some really high stakes competitions, like Race to the Top, the MacArthur Genius grants, and one of the biggest prizes of them all, the Nobel Peace Prize.
