

即将到来的2005 - 06年的最后期限,要求每个教室配备的都是一个高度合格的教师学校官员在北达科他摸不着头脑。有66%的大学毕业生走出国家找到更好的就业和只有一个与物理专业毕业的老师在过去的六年里,有人说,要求教师有专业他们教的科目是“不现实的”。Notes Janet Welk, Executive Director of the Standards and Practice Board, "I grew up on a farm and there you learn that when you go to your cattle in the fall, you don't just weigh them. You have to do other things for them. The federal government, basically, with their testing and qualification guidelines is saying: keep weighing the students, keep weighing the teachers. That's no solution."